Sell Lego Sets
If you have complete or near complete sets you are wanting to sell - we would love to take them off your hands! Our online buy-back service is a simple and convenient way to sell or trade-in your sets and provide your builder with sets that match their age and interests.
How to sell or trade-in your sets:
Sets need to be built and photographed. A range of 2 to 5 photos are desired per set based on the set’s piece count or complexity.
At least one of the photos should be designated for minifigs, animals and/or unique accessories that are part of the set.
Sets need to be weighed in pounds to one decimal point. Set weight is required for pre-paid shipping labels.
Complete and submit the Sell Lego Sets form below. Submit one form for each set.
If you are interested in selling multiple sets, select the I am Submitting Multiple Sets check box.
Multiple submittals made within a 24-hour period will be combined into a single offer.
An offer will be prepared for you within 24 hours of your submittal per sets submitted (for example: 4 sets = 4 days, 96 hours).
Offers come with both a cash amount and a store credit value for your selection, and already account for the shipping expense.
Offers will be valid for 7 days.
Once an offer is accepted, we will provide you with a prepaid shipping label leaving you to simply box up the set(s) and drop off at a designated local carrier. It is important to place each set in in its own separate bag so the sets do not mix during shipping.
Payment will be made via PayPal or Venmo once the shipment is received.
If a set is deemed too incomplete, an offer will instead be provided as bulk Lego.